
Global Game Jam 2021 : Hex Grid

It's being a long time I haven't update my blog, lot's of things have happened since the last post! So I decided to put a small update here with the latest game I made for the Global Game Jam 2021.

Main Menu of the game, with the instruction.

I wanted to create a simple game and push hard on the graphic, but I did the complete opposite, I made a simple but robust game with basically placeholder graphic and audio :| Good. The game is ispired by many Hex based games and I see it as a prototype for a bigger game I want to make. One of the hardest thing is to explain how the game works! You have to rotate around enemies to destroy them, I spent a lot of time tring to word it correctly, it's not obvious, but, again, if you want to try it remember that you have to rotate around enemies to destroy them. And blue spheres do not attack near hexes but only hexes that are in their line and at a distance between 2 and 4. Have fun! :D

Some gameplay.

You can download and try the game by yourself, hope you enjoy it!