
Distant Closeness

This was my entry for the Epic jam of February 2015, amongst all the games I developed I often end up reiterating the same design, it's a game about navigating a "labyrinth", the player can move only in the direction of the various intersections of the labyrinth. It's similar to a game I already talked about: Labyrinth3D, which relies on the same concept, but in 3 dimensions.
This time I stick with the two dimension, but I changed one core rule of the game, following one of the bases of modern game design: limiting the player to simplify the game while making it harder so I decided to remove the possibility to move up or down leaving the decision only between left or right. Originally, only on rare occasions, the player needed to move up or down due to the design of the levels, so the game will show with some arrows the direction that the player will follow. This opened the possibility for new mechanics, as the player has to understand the correct flow of the level.

The arrows indicate the flow of the level, the player has to decide only the green arrows.

The theme was about distant things that are close together, so the game was about this two robots that are in love with each other but they stay close together, so the design of the levels include some intersections so that the two robots can stay close for a brief moment, so poetic, but nobody got it ;( , the game doesn't do a great job to explain it though XD.
The music was given to me by a friend I meet at a jam years ago, he also has a fresh Youtube channel now.
It surely remains one of the game I'll like to come back the most, the base game cycle is very strong, perfect for mobile.